Employer area
There are so many ways that employers can get involved in helping to shape the bright futures of our students. Here are a few. Please use the contact us page if you can help.
Annual Careers and next steps fair
We host this event each year and would love to invite you to exhibit if you feel you are able to offer future opportunities to our students. Our most recent event had 39 exhibiting companies and organisation sand there was a footfall of over three hundred students and many of their parents/carers too. This event happens around the start of January every year. If you wish to exhibit or contribute please contact Peter Keegan.
Subject Masterclasses and talks
Would you like to come and enthuse a group of our students while promoting a future career path? We would love to hear from you and hopefully arrange a suitable event of visit.
Offering work experience to Year 10 students
Work experience can be incredibly motivational, confidence building and enlightening for students. All year 10 students need to complete a week of work experience, however some of these opportunities are now virtual. If you feel you would like to offer one or more placements at your organisation then we would love to hear from you.
Opportunity signposting
If you have an opportunity you would like to extend to our students please get in touch.
Give an hour
To see how our students could benefit from the gift of one hour of your wisdom please follow this link to the 'Give an hour' initiative.